Owasco Lake Watershed Inspection and Protection Division
What we're doing around the watershed​:
The Inspection and Protection Division routinely monitors areas of concern that may lead to violations, such as: residential drainage issues, construction projects, septic issues, nutrient application (ag/non-ag), and streambank erosion.
The primary goal of this project is to substantially reduce erosion throughout the watershed ditch network. Less erosion means less sediment flowing into tributaries and Owasco Lake.
Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species
The Inspection and Protection Division works to help prevent the spread of invasive species throughout the Finger Lakes. Signs provided by the Finger Lakes Institute were placed at boat launches throughout Owasco Lake to raise awareness of the Clean, Drain, and Dry protocol for boaters. These signs will help enforce watercraft inspections and help protect the Finger Lakes.

Tributary Adoption and Identification Project (TAIP)
The primary goal of this project is to engage the public in tributary protection and education. Signs identify stream-road crossings and provide a link to information about each stream. Currently, signs are located in the towns of Owasco, Fleming, and Niles; expansion of the program is on the horizon.