Watershed Road Ditch Stabilization
The latest round of the New York State Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program has funded a project focused on stabilization of road ditches throughout the Owasco Lake Watershed.
The goals of this project are to stabilize nearly 100 miles of road ditches over the next 5 years, purchase supplies and materials for implementation, and substantially reduce the amount of sediment flowing through the ditch networks into tributaries and Owasco Lake.
Since 2014, the Inspection and Protection Division has identified approximately 35 linear miles of unstable, highly erodible ditch lengths throughout the watershed (see links below). Cumulatively, small areas of erosion left untreated contribute large amounts of sediments and nutrients to Owasco Lake.
2014 Road Ditch Assessment (PDF)
2015 Road Ditch Assessment (PDF)
2017 Road Ditch Assessment (PDF)