Tributary Adoption and Identification Pilot Program (TAIPP)
Thank you for your interest in learning more about this stream!
As you view our sign, please remember that this site is for informational purposes only, and that while the stream's water is considered waters of the State, it flows through private properties. Please respect our cooperating landowners and DO NOT TRESSPASS onto properties beyond the road rights of way.
This project is funded by:
Fay's Point Tributary, Location ID DD49
West Lake Rd. south of Stone School Rd., Town of Fleming
Welcome to the Owasco Lake Watershed! No matter where you are on earth, you’re in a watershed - an area of land where surface water drains and ends up in a tributary (stream), lake, or ocean. We depend on watersheds to:
Store and transport drinking water
Filter wastewater and stormwater
Maintain the balance between natural processes and human activities for healthy lakes, rivers, and streams
Stream Information
This stream is a tributary - a small stream that feeds a larger stream or river - that will eventually flow to Owasco Lake. Follow this link to National Geographic for a more in-depth definition of tributary and related terms.
Stream Characteristics
Fay's Point Tributary is just one of the dozens of direct drainage tributaries in the Owasco Lake Watershed. This means Fay's Point Tributary has its own subwatershed - (a.k.a. subbasin), or entire land area that drains directly to Owasco Lake.
This crossing is designated DD49 as direct drainage (DD) and the first crossing located on the main branch of Fay's Point Tributary. Click here to view the official watershed map with tributary numbering.
The Fay's Point Tributary subwatershed totals approximately 1.1 square miles out of the 208 total square miles in the Owasco Lake Watershed. Water travels up to 1.7 miles before reaching this crossing, and will only travel another 134 feet before reaching Owasco Lake.
Water Quality Information
Seeing foam in this stream? It may be a natural byproduct of decomposition of leaves and other organic materials. Click here to read more.
Interested in volunteering to collect water samples to help track water quality parameters? Contact the Owasco Watershed Lake Association to join their efforts!
Did you know that freshwater macroinvertebrates - the small, spineless animals that dwell in this stream, including insects, worms, and crusteaceans - can help indicate water quality? Check out this link from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation!
Interested in learning more? Contact our Watershed Inspector, Tim Schneider about becoming a WAVE Program volunteer!